Clark Above Ground Pool Installation Manual

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Clark Above Ground Pool Installation Manual Average ratng: 9,3/10 1268votes

Clark South Dakota. Commissioner Reints called the regular meeting to order at 8 0. February 3, 2. 01. Blue Pearl Pool Cleaner Manual. Commissioners meeting room of the Clark County Courthouse. Commissioners present Bjerke, Loomis, Hass and Wicks. MINUTES Motion by Wicks, second by Bjerke, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting on January 2. Mabuhay Welcome to VisitMyPhilippines. The Philippines Ultimate Travel Guide for Tourist. VisitMyPhilippines. Ronaldo Tiotuico of the. Clark County Zoning Ordinance Draft 021914 Clark County Zoning Ordinance 2014 Cover Page Clark County Zoning Ordinance Clean 04241. MaY 17, 2016 Meeting. All members voting aye. Motion carried. HIGHWAY HS Eggleston met with the board update them on road conditions and road work being done. He informed them that John Deere has raised the rental rate for tractors used by the highway department. He also informed them he will be attending the short course in Chamberlain on March 1. HIGHWAY YEARLY BIDS HS Eggleston presented the following quotes that were received and opened on January 2. Auditors office. All bids are on file in the Auditors office. PEA ROCK Northern Conn Agg LLP 1 Pea Rockton 4. T FOB Rauville, Williamson Trucking 1. Pea RockTon 4. T. Motion by Wicks, second by Loomis to accept all bids based on availability. All voting aye. Motion carried LIQUID ASPHALT Flint Hills Resources MC7. UutPRYHPDx8/0.jpg]];var lpix_1=pix_1.length;var p1_0= [[728' alt='Clark Above Ground Pool Installation Manual' title='Clark Above Ground Pool Installation Manual' />Common swimming pool maintenance questions about salt cells and how to ensure they work properly in your pools salt chlorinator system. Can I selfinstall a cover Of course, its simple see how Click above to watch an installation video, plus other helpful information. Septic TankAbsorption Field Systems A Homeowners Guide to Installation and Maintenance Robert A. Schultheis Agricultural Engineering Specialist. MC8. 00 7. 35. 8. MC3. 00. 0 6. 62. CRS2 pick up at plant 4. CRS2 deliver to Clark 5. Jebro MC7. 0 8. MC8. MC3. 00. 0 6. 74. CRS2 pick up at plant 4. CRS2 deliver to Clark 5. Motion by Hass, second by Bjerke to accept the low bid of Flint Hills for MC7. MC3. 00. 0, and the low bid of Jebro MC8. CRS2 pick up at plant and deliver to Clark. All voting aye. Motion carried. HOT MIX Asphalt Paving Materials Hot mix Class D I w 3. Recycle PG 5. Liquid AC 5. T FOB, Hot Mix Class E Iw2. Recycle PG 5. Liquid AC 5. FOB, Cold Mix 1. 13. T FOB, Lien Transportation Hot Mix 7. T FOB Aberdeen, Mc. Laughlin and Schulz, Inc Hot Mix 7. T FOB Watertown, Cold Mix 1. FOB Watertown. Motion by Bjerke, second by Loomis to accept all bids based on availability. All voting aye. Motion carried. CONSTRUCTION COSTS Clausen Construction Truckhr 8. Bladehr 1. 35. 0. Excavatorhr 1. 50. Front End Loaderhr 1. Dozerhr 1. 50. 0. Scraperhr 1. 85. Belly Dumphr 9. Side dumphr 9. 0. Rip Rap in placeton 3. Fabric in placesy 3. Forest Excavating Truckhr 9. Bladehr 1. 35. 0. Excavatorhr 1. 75. Front End Loaderhr 1. Belly Dumphr 1. 20. Lien Transportation Truckhr 1. Bladehr 2. 25. 0. Excavatorhr 1. 65. Front End Loaderhr 2. Dozerhr 1. 90. 0. Belly Dumphr 1. 50. Side dumphr 1. 75. Melvin Williamson Truckhr 1. Excavatorhr 1. 40. Front End Loaderhr 1. Dozerhr 1. 30. 0. Belly Dumphr 1. 30. Side dumphr 1. 30. Motion by Wicks, second by Bjerke to accept all bids based on availability. All voting aye. Motion carried. CULVERTS Motion by Hass, second by Loomis to accept the bid of Beadle County for Corrugated metal culverts. All bids are on file in the Auditors office. All voting aye. Motion carried. FUEL QUOTES The following monthly fuel quotes were presented to the board for February 2. Blended 8. 02. 0 Clark Community Oil 1. Willow Lake, Garden City, Vienna, Raymond and Bradley, delivered to Clark shop 1. Clark County Farmers Elevator, No bid. The County accepted the low bid and all bids are on file in the Auditors office. TRANSPORT BID Clark County Farmers Elevator Diesel 2 8. Clark Community Oil 1. The County accepted the low bid of Clark Community Oil and all bids are on file in the Auditors office. HIGHWAY Motion by Bjerke, second by Hass to approve and allow Chairman to sign loan fund agreement between SD Department of Transportation and Clark County for County Road 2. Total amount to be borrowed is 2. All voting aye. Motion carried. HIGHWAY Motion by Loomis, second by Bjerke to allow occupancy of the Right of way by ITC for the purpose of construction of buried fiber optic cable to upgrade their Willow Lake and Bryant exchanges. Project no 2. 01. Willow Lake and 2. Bryant. Maps of the project are on file in the Auditors office. All voting aye. Motion carried. HIGHWAY Motion by Loomis, second by Hass to approve Agreement for Joint Exercise of Governmental Powers for cooperative action between the town of Bradley and Clark County and allow Chairman to sign. All voting aye. Motion carried. WEED WS Mehlberg met with the board to discuss purchase of a side by side vehicle to replace units that are no longer functional. Mehlberg will get additional information and report back to the board. No action taken. WEED Motion by Loomis, second by Bjerke to allow Weed Supervisor Mehlberg to call for yearly bids for chemical for use by the Clark County weed board. Bids will be due by 5 0. March 1. 3, 2. 01. Bids will be opened Monday, March 1. Board of Commissioners at 9 0. Tuesday, March 1. All voting aye. Motion carried. FIRST DISTRICT Todd Kays with First District of Watertown met with the board to deliver the annual report from First District. He presented details of their responsibilities, the governing body, funding, staff and work areas. He presented Clark County resultsgrants for fiscal year 2. ORDINANCE Motion by Wicks, second by Loomis to contact Todd Kays and go forward with proposed change to Ordinance 1. Planning and Zoning manual, section 1. This will change the language to include building, conditional use, variance, rezoning. Also present Shawn Simpson and HS Eggleston. All voting aye. Motion carried. PERSONNEL POLICY At the boards request Todd Kays from First District also presented information on updating personnel policy, Section VII, II. Other Benefits, B. Health InsuranceDental Insurance. This will change the language to define portion paid by employee and portion paid by the County on behalf of the employee towards premiums. OAKTREE FARM Due to scheduling conflict, Oaktree staff was not able to attend. Reschedule for March 3, 2. CLARK ENGINEERING Due to scheduling conflict, Clark Engineering staff unable to attend. Rescheduled for March 3, 2. BOA Motion by Loomis, second by Wicks to enter into Board of Adjustment. All voting aye. Motion carried. VARIANCE 1. 2 1. Motion by Hass, second by Wicks to approve V1. February 1. 7, 2. This Variance will allow Alliance Family Farms to use S 1. SE 5 1. 14 5. All voting ayes. Xbox Games For Cxbx. Motion carried. SET HEARING Motion by Bjerke, second by Loomis to set hearing for Conditional Use 1 1. February 1. 7, 2. This CU if approved will allow Northern Natural Gas to use SE of the SW of 1. All voting aye. Motion carried. ADJOURN Motion by Hass, second by Loomis to adjourn from Board of Adjustment and return to Board of County Commissioners. All voting aye. Motion carried. ABATEMENT 1 1. 5 Motion by Bjerke, second by Loomis to approve Abatement 1 1. DOE 5. 52. 0 in the amount of 5. All voting aye. Motion carried. ROD ROD Helkenn met with the board requesting wage increase as her six month probation period will be finished March 1, 2. No action taken. She also informed the board she will be attending the new officials workshop in Pierre, March 1. Pierre. EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Bjerke, second by Wicks to enter into executive session at 1. Chairman declared out at 1. NURSE Public Health Nurse Meier met with the board with her quarterly report. She informed the board of the flu shot clinics that have been done throughout the county, early childhood screenings, nail care and other services offered by Clark County Health office. No action needed. WELFARE WD Tarbox met with the board with notifications of hospitalization. She informed the board she will be attending the welfare workshop in Pierre, March 1. Septic TankAbsorption Field Systems A Homeowners Guide to Installation and Maintenance. Robert A. Schultheis. Agricultural Engineering Specialist. A septic tankabsorption field is the most common onsite sewage treatment system in use in Missouri. Nearly 3. 0 percent of all housing units in Missouri use onsite wastewater treatment systems   most of these are septic tankabsorption field systems. Several surveys throughout the state have shown that 7. Based on the General Soils Map of Missouri, counties in the Missouri Ozarks are particularly at risk. Depending on the county, 6. Human contact with sewage is a serious public health risk. Drinking water contaminated with sewage can cause health problems such as diarrhea, nausea, cramps, dysentery and hepatitis. Exposure to sewer gases can also cause discomfort and illness. For at risk areas, connecting to an adequate public sewer system is generally the best alternative for disposing of domestic sewage from private residences. Where access to a public sewer system is unfeasible or too expensive, proper siting and design of an onsite sewage system is critical to avoid its premature failure. In many situations, an existing system that is failing may not be repairable. Thus a completely new system may be needed. Misuse of individual sewage systems results not only in water quality problems and nuisance conditions, but also in costly repairs to rehabilitate a failing system. Failing systems include both those that you can see and smell and those that seep effluent, or waste liquids, into groundwater supplies before the soil can properly remove disease causing pathogens. To reduce public health risks and protect drinking water supplies, state legislation that took effect Jan. Individual counties may adopt stricter standards than those outlined by the state legislation. To ensure compliance with local codes and to reduce their environmental liability, homeowners should consult with their county health department sanitarian or building regulations department prior to new construction or repair of any onsite sewage system. For counties that have adopted the state standards without modifications, homeowners with single family residences on lot sizes of less than 3 acres must obtain a county permit before beginning construction of any sewage system. How does a septic tankabsorption field system work A septic tank system consists of three major components the septic tank, a distribution device and an absorption field. A septic tank is a large, watertight, corrosion resistant, buried container that receives raw sewage from the plumbing drains of the home. In it, solids are separated out of the raw sewage and are partially digested by anaerobic oxygen lacking bacteria. The septic tank must be large enough to allow retention of the raw sewage and some decomposition for at least 4. Solids that are not digested either float to the top to form a scum layer or settle to the bottom of the tank as sludge. Depending on tank size and sewage volume, the sludge and scum must be pumped out at least every 2 to 5 years to allow bacterial digestion to continue in the tank. Otherwise, raw sewage may flow directly through the tank and into the absorption field, causing its failure. After primary treatment in the septic tank, the liquid effluent flows through the distribution device, which ensures that equal quantities of effluent go to each pipe in the absorption field. The absorption field is a subsurface leaching area within the soil that receives the liquid effluent from the distribution device and distributes it over a specified area where it is allowed to seep into the soil. The filtering action of the soil, combined with further bacterial action, removes disease organisms and treats the harmful material in the effluent, completing the treatment process so that the water is recycled to the surface or groundwater source. If properly designed, installed and maintained, a septic tank system can effectively treat household wastewater for more than 2. All design and construction must be in accordance with Missouri Department of Health DOH Rule 1. CSR 2. 0 3. 0. 60, Minimum Construction Standards for On Site Sewage Disposal Systems. Site selection. Many Missouri soils have a high clay content, which makes them poor absorbers of septic tank effluent and may prevent the use of a septic tankabsorption field system. In addition, southwest and south central Missouri are particularly vulnerable to groundwater contamination because soils are extremely porous due to cherty gravel andor fractured bedrock below the clay topsoil. Figure 1 shows areas where potential groundwater pollution may restrict location of the absorption field. If you live in one of these areas, or if you are not sure of the pollution potential from your proposed system, seek professional help with your site selection. Help is available through your local Department of Health office, MU Extension center, Natural Resources Conservation Service office or the Missouri Division of Geology and Land Survey in Rolla, Mo. Figure 1. Areas where potential groundwater pollution may restrict location of absorption field. Table 1 shows the minimum setback distances that must be observed for septic tanks and absorption fields. On small or restrictive lots, a good way to locate the site for the system is to make a scale drawing of the site, marking out areas that are off limits according to Table 1 and leaving the remaining open areas as potential system locations. To ensure adequate room for the eventual replacement of the new or existing septic system, identify a location for an alternate system. Table 1. Setback distances for sewage tanks and disposal areas. Minimum distance in feet from Sewage tanksAbsorption fieldsPrivate water supply well5. Public water supply well. Cistern. 25. 25. Spring. Classified stream, lake or impoundment5. Stream or open ditch2. Property lines. 10. Building foundation. Basement. 15. 25. Swimming pool. 15. Water line under pressure. Suction water line. Upslope interceptor drains 1. Down slope interceptor drains 2. Top of slope of embankments or cuts of 2 feet or more vertical height 2. Edge of surficial sinkholes. Other soil absorption system except repair area 2. Includes sewage tanks, intermittent sand filters and dosing chambers. Includes all systems sand filter, wetland and the like, except wastewater stabilization lagoons. Unplugged abandoned wells, or wells with less than 8. A classified stream is any stream that maintains permanent flow or permanent pools during drought periods and supports aquatic life. Sewage tanks and soil absorption systems should never be located in the drainage area of a sinkhole. Recommend 2. Determining soil suitability. The absorption field provides final treatment of the wastewater, so it is critical to have uncompacted, unsaturated soil surrounding the soil treatment system. The effluent leaving the septic tank contains viable pathogenic organisms. The soils purpose is to destroy these pathogens, treat and degrade organic materials, and act as a physical, chemical and biological filter to purify the effluent and make it acceptable quality for groundwater. Soils must be capable of absorbing the volume of wastewater from the septic tank at all times of the year. With more than 4. Missouri, it is likely more than one type will be found on even a small lot.